Training chapters

  • 1

    Introduction: Before the workshop

    • Video

    • Helpful links

  • 2

    Topic one: PatternFly philosophy on mockup fidelity

    • Video

    • Activity

  • 3

    Topic two: Library vs. template

    • Video

  • 4

    Topic three: General Sketch efficiency & proficiency

    • Video

    • Practice your efficiency

    • New Sketch feature!

  • 5

    Topic four: Symbol customization

    • Video

    • Try it in Sketch (part one)

  • 6

    Topic five: Spacer system

    • Video

    • Try it in Sketch (part two)

  • 7

    Topic six: Detaching from the symbol

    • Video

    • Activity

  • 8

    Topic seven: PF4 library upkeep & feedback

    • Video

    • Helpful links

  • 9

    Tell us your thoughts

    • Help us make this training even more helpful!